Shrimad Mumuxu

Unknown and Interesting facts about Twitter

Twitter is one of the Powerful social networking site.Everyone wants to know something about them, i collected some interesting facts on this cool networking site.

What is Twitter

1) At present there are nearly 100 Million Active Users

2) About 50% of this Active users will log in every day.

3) About 40% of people do not tweet, they just read news and click links.

4) Twitter has about 300,000 new visitors daily.

5) In a Second About 750 Tweets are shared.

6) In the Birthday of CEO Evan Williams, Twitter was Originally Launched.

7) The Most popular User in the Twitter is Lady Gaga with 19,341,413 Followers

8) If Twitter was an Country, It is the 12th Largest Country in the World

9) Everyday about One million accounts are added in Twitter

10) 92% of the users said they would Retweet if they found any interesting content

11) About 30% of the Twitter users have an Income greater than $100, 000.


Interesting Facts 6040735961704009174

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