Shrimad Mumuxu

Some Tips for Reducing the Size of PowerPoint file Size

Well we are generally interested in doing PowerPoint Presentations, As it is an Easy way to share ideas and Provide information to the People in a Good Manner.

Sometimes the File of PowerPoint Was too large, and we have to wait more time to load, Upload in a Server or Send as a Attachment to your Friend Email.So i am Giving Easy tips on how to Reduce the File Size without Any third party Softwares.

Tip to reduce PPT size

1) Whenever you choose to Save the File, go for File > Save As:
    Enter the Name and save, this will Reduce the Size of the PowerPoint File up to 50%.

2) Optimize the Pictures in PowerPoint, it saves a Lot of Memory
    Click on Pictures and get the Pictures tool Bar.
    Now click on Compress Picture, then do these following Settings
     Change the resolution from web to Screen
     Then Click OK.

3) Normally for the Business we are likely to link the Excel files and we should remember the More links the more Memory.
 Go to the Edit menu, and Go for Links
 Holding the Shift Key, Click on the Last link which makes all the links in color Blue.
 Now its time to remove the unwanted links by selecting the Break link

4) Go for Tools > Options > Save , then delete the Auto fast saves in the Check Box it appears
    Always remember Click Save as will help you to save your Memory, Do this here also.

5) Go to Tools > Options > Advanced Email, then we get the "add properties to the Attachments "
   line,Please clear this line.This save you More Memory for your File
   Note-It is only for MicroSoft PowerPoint 2007

6) Go to Files > Package For Cd
  Now select some Folder where your file should be saved, it Works Even if all else fails


Tips 864215004539680563

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