Shrimad Mumuxu

Some interesting Castor Oil Benefits

Castor oil is an Pale yellowish liquid which is Extracted from the Castor seeds. It is an best Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant oil which is used for the Centuries.

Let see some of the Cool Benefits of Castor oil................

1) Castor oil is used in the massage for Relieving the Arthritic joints and some Nerve Inflammations

2) Castor oil is an Good Laxative which it will makes it to work effective against Constipation.

3) Castor oil contains Decylenic acid which is very effective against treating the Fungal Infections.

4) Castor oil is used for the curing the various Skin infections and other Skin Problems.

5) Castor oil is used for curing the Oil Gland infections on the Eye lid because of its huge anti- bacterial Components

6) Castor oil is an good emollient which helps and stimulates the Production of the collagen and elastin which
    is softening the skin.


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