Shrimad Mumuxu

Cool health benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts are the Richest source for the Vitamins in the Whole Plant Kingdom.It can be Eat raw, boiled or Roasted too.

Some of the Interesting Benefits in the View of our Health

Interesting uses of Peanuts

1) Peanuts are useful for the Promotion of the Human Fertility , as it Contains the good amount of folate. Some studies shows that repeated use of Peanuts before and during pregnancy, will reduce the risk of born  baby with neural tube defect  upto 70% for the Women.

2) Peanuts are normally high in the Manganese.It generally plays a Key role in the fat metabolism and Blood Sugar Regulation

3) Consumption of more peanuts will boost the memory power because it contains the rich amounts of Vitamin B3.

4) Peanuts are helpful in Lowering Cholesterol because of the Same nutrient that helps to boost your memory,in addition to these an Copper contents will helps you to reduce the Bad cholseterol and maintain good Cholesterol Levels.

5) Peanuts are used for reducing the Gallstones , it may be surprise but the studies show that the consumption of the Peanuts are Reducing the Risk of Developing Gallstones upto 20%.

6) Peanuts are rich in Monounsaturated Fats and Anti-Oxidants which will reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease

7) Peanuts are useful for the Lowering the Risk of Weight, many studies prove that eating Peanuts will help you to lose weight Quickly


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